1901 - 2018
Year | Name | Gender | Citizenship | Second Citizenship | Born | Remarks |
2018 | The 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature has been postponed. |
2017 | Kazuo | Ishiguro | Male | United Kingdom | | 1954 | |
2016 | Bob | Dylan | Male | United States | | 1941 | |
2015 | Svetlana | Alexievich | Female | Ukraine | | 1948 | |
2014 | Patrick | Modiano | Male | France | | 1945 | |
2013 | Alice | Munro | Female | Canada | | 1931 | |
2012 | Mo | Yan | Male | China | | 1955 | |
2011 | Tomas | Tranströmer | Male | Sweden | | 1931 | |
2010 | Mario | Vargas Llosa | Male | Peru | | 1936 | |
2009 | Herta | Müller | Female | Germany | | 1953 | |
2008 | Jean-Marie Gustave | Le Clézio | Male | France | Mauritius | 1940 | |
2007 | Doris | Lessing | Female | United Kingdom | | 1919 | |
2006 | Orhan | Pamuk | Male | Turkey | | 1952 | |
2005 | Harold | Pinter | Male | United Kingdom | | 1930 | |
2004 | Elfriede | Jelinek | Female | Austria | | 1946 | |
2003 | J.M. | Coetzee | Male | South Africa | | 1940 | |
2002 | Imre | Kertész | Male | Hungary | | 1929 | |
2001 | V.S. | Naipaul | Male | United Kingdom | | 1932 | |
2000 | Gao | Xingjian | Male | France | | 1940 | |
1999 | Günter | Grass | Male | Germany | | 1927 | |
1998 | José | Saramago | Male | Portugal | | 1922 | |
1997 | Dario | Fo | Male | Italy | | 1926 | |
1996 | Wislawa | Szymborska | Female | Poland | | 1923 | |
1995 | Seamus | Heaney | Male | Ireland | | 1939 | |
1994 | Kenzaburo | Oe | Male | Japan | | 1935 | |
1993 | Toni | Morrison | Female | United States | | 1931 | |
1992 | Derek | Walcott | Male | Saint Lucia | | 1930 | |
1991 | Nadine | Gordimer | Female | South Africa | | 1923 | |
1990 | Octavio | Paz | Male | Mexico | | 1914 | |
1989 | Camilo José | Cela | Male | Spain | | 1916 | |
1988 | Naguib | Mahfouz | Male | Egypt | | 1911 | |
1987 | Joseph | Brodsky | Male | United States | | 1940 | |
1986 | Wole | Soyinka | Male | Nigeria | | 1934 | |
1985 | Claude | Simon | Male | France | | 1913 | |
1984 | Jaroslav | Seifert | Male | Czechoslovakia | | 1901 | |
1983 | William | Golding | Male | United Kingdom | | 1911 | |
1982 | Gabriel García | Márquez | Male | Colombia | | 1928 | |
1981 | Elias | Canetti | Male | United Kingdom | | 1905 | |
1980 | Czeslaw | Milosz | Male | Poland | United States | 1911 | |
1979 | Odysseus | Elytis | Male | Greece | | 1911 | |
1978 | Isaac Bashevis | Singer | Male | United States | | 1904 | |
1977 | Vicente | Aleixandre | Male | Spain | | 1898 | |
1976 | Saul | Bellow | Male | United States | | 1915 | |
1975 | Eugenio | Montale | Male | Italy | | 1896 | |
1974 | Eyvind | Johnson | Male | Sweden | | 1900 | |
1974 | Harry | Martinson | Male | Sweden | | 1904 | |
1973 | Patrick | White | Male | Australia | | 1912 | |
1972 | Heinrich | Böll | Male | Germany | | 1917 | |
1971 | Pablo | Neruda | Male | Chile | | 1904 | |
1970 | Alexandr | Solzhenitsyn | Male | Soviet Union | | 1918 | |
1969 | Samuel | Beckett | Male | Ireland | | 1906 | |
1968 | Yasunari | Kawabata | Male | Japan | | 1899 | |
1967 | Miguel Angel | Asturias | Male | Guatemala | | 1899 | |
1966 | Samuel | Agnon | Male | Israel | | 1888 | |
1966 | Nelly | Sachs | Female | Sweden | | 1891 | |
1965 | Mikhail | Sholokhov | Male | Soviet Union | | 1905 | |
1964 | Jean-Paul | Sartre | Male | France | | 1905 | Declined the prize |
1963 | Giorgos | Seferis | Male | Greece | | 1900 | |
1962 | John | Steinbeck | Male | United States | | 1902 | |
1961 | Ivo | Andric | Male | Yugoslavia | | 1892 | |
1960 | Saint-John | Perse | Male | France | | 1887 | |
1959 | Salvatore | Quasimodo | Male | Italy | | 1901 | |
1958 | Boris | Pasternak | Male | Soviet Union | | 1890 | Forced to decline |
1957 | Albert | Camus | Male | France | | 1913 | |
1956 | Juan Ramón | Jiménez | Male | Spain | | 1881 | |
1955 | Halldór | Laxness | Male | Iceland | | 1902 | |
1954 | Ernest | Hemingway | Male | United States | | 1899 | |
1953 | Winston | Churchill | Male | United Kingdom | | 1874 | |
1952 | François | Mauriac | Male | France | | 1885 | |
1951 | Pär | Lagerkvist | Male | Sweden | | 1891 | |
1950 | Bertrand | Russell | Male | United Kingdom | | 1872 | |
1949 | William | Faulkner | Male | United States | | 1897 | |
1948 | T.S. | Eliot | Male | United Kingdom | | 1888 | |
1947 | André | Gide | Male | France | | 1869 | |
1946 | Hermann | Hesse | Male | Switzerland | | 1877 | |
1945 | Gabriela | Mistral | Female | Chile | | 1889 | |
1944 | Johannes V. | Jensen | Male | Denmark | | 1873 | |
1939 | Frans Eemil | Sillanpää | Male | Finland | | 1888 | |
1938 | Pearl | Buck | Female | United States | | 1892 | |
1937 | Roger | Martin du Gard | Male | France | | 1881 | |
1936 | Eugene | O'Neill | Male | United States | | 1888 | |
1934 | Luigi | Pirandello | Male | Italy | | 1867 | |
1933 | Ivan | Bunin | Male | stateless | | 1870 | |
1932 | John | Galsworthy | Male | United Kingdom | | 1867 | |
1931 | Erik Axel | Karlfeldt | Male | Sweden | | 1864 | |
1930 | Sinclair | Lewis | Male | United States | | 1885 | |
1929 | Thomas | Mann | Male | Germany | | 1875 | |
1928 | Sigrid | Undset | Female | Norway | | 1882 | |
1927 | Henri | Bergson | Male | France | | 1859 | |
1926 | Grazia | Deledda | Female | Italy | | 1871 | |
1925 | George Bernard | Shaw | Male | United Kingdom | | 1856 | |
1924 | Wladyslaw | Reymont | Male | Poland | | 1867 | |
1923 | William Butler | Yeats | Male | Ireland | | 1865 | |
1922 | Jacinto | Benavente | Male | Spain | | 1866 | |
1921 | Anatole | France | Male | France | | 1844 | |
1920 | Knut | Hamsun | Male | Norway | | 1859 | |
1919 | Carl | Spitteler | Male | Switzerland | | 1845 | |
1917 | Karl | Gjellerup | Male | Denmark | | 1857 | |
1917 | Henrik | Pontoppidan | Male | Denmark | | 1857 | |
1916 | Verner | von Heidenstam | Male | Sweden | | 1859 | |
1915 | Romain | Rolland | Male | France | | 1866 | |
1913 | Rabindranath | Tagore | Male | India | | 1861 | |
1912 | Gerhart | Hauptmann | Male | Germany | | 1862 | |
1911 | Maurice | Maeterlinck | Male | Belgium | | 1862 | |
1910 | Paul | Heyse | Male | Germany | | 1830 | |
1909 | Selma | Lagerlöf | Female | Sweden | | 1858 | |
1908 | Rudolf | Eucken | Male | Germany | | 1846 | |
1907 | Rudyard | Kipling | Male | United Kingdom | | 1865 | |
1906 | Giosuè | Carducci | Male | Italy | | 1835 | |
1905 | Henryk | Sienkiewicz | Male | Poland | | 1846 | |
1904 | José | Echegaray | Male | Spain | | 1832 | |
1904 | Frédéric | Mistral | Male | France | | 1830 | |
1903 | Bjørnstjerne | Bjørnson | Male | Norway | | 1832 | |
1902 | Theodor | Mommsen | Male | Germany | | 1817 | |
1901 | Sully | Prudhomme | Male | France | | 1839 | |
Given: "in special recognition of his poetic composition, which gives evidence of lofty idealism, artistic perfection and a rare combination of the qualities of both heart and intellect."
List of works
Some poems translated
Nomination Archive (up to 1966)
NobelPrize.Org - Literature
List of Nobel laureates in Literature
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